Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Not my mother's Beef Stew

My mom makes a killer beef stew. "Mrs. Clabaugh's Famous Five Hour No Peak Stew." I love it. But new things are good. I'm looking for something with really deep flavors.

Your standard garden suspects. And a chuck roast is a very good choice.

Cut into very large hunks. They'll be falling apart by the time this is done. Oh. And then browned all around in a pot first.

A braising liquid. Stock, tomato juice, Worcestershire sauce, lots of red wine. Salt, pepper.

After browning the beef til it's good and brown, some onion in the same pot.

And then some red wine to clean it all up.

Beef back in....

Along with wine/stock/tomato liquid, some garlic and some thyme, and let that all simmer for an hour or so.

While the beef starts simmering, vegetables roasted with some olive oil and thyme in the oven separately for an hour.

That builds texture. Most stews have mushy vegetables.

After an hour or so, veggies in with the beef...

Covered, and barely simmered for another two hours.

And voila. That's an earthy looking stew. The smell made me weak in the knees.

Add some frozen peas and heat through....

And garlic bread to go with it...

"Jeff's Not Yet Famous, Three Hour, Really Peak and Fuss Around A Lot Stew." Dinner.

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